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Hello and welcome to our Meet The Team page.

The UK Pagan Council would like to thank the countless folk who are involved in keeping our great organisation spinning. You rock!

Mark Black


email: president@ukpagancouncil.org

Sam Ferris

Vice President

emai: vicepresident@ukpagancouncil.org

Aaron Longbottom


email: secretary@ukpagancouncil.org

Tracey Ewbank


email: treasurer@ukpagancouncil.org

Andrea Rose

Head of the Senate

email: senate@ukpagancouncil.org

Emma Turner

Social Media Manager

email: SocialMedia@ukpagancouncil.org

James Crabtree

Campaigns Manager

email: info@ukpagancouncil.org

Claire Louise

Clergy Liaison

email: info@ukpagancouncil.org

Sarah Thornbank

National Ambassador

email: info@ukpagancouncil.org